Aluminium Windows in Eastleigh, Hampshire

Commercial & Domestic Aluminium are aluminium specialists in Eastleigh, Hampshire, who are committed to providing you with the very best in aluminium windows. We have a range of great aluminium windows, which are ideal for your Hampshire property.

Advantages Of Aluminium Windows

Aluminium windows have seen a rise in popularity in recent years and it’s no wonder considering all the great advantages that aluminium has over any other product on the market.

before and after aluminium windows in eastleigh

Aluminium is durable and weather resistant, protecting your property come rain or shine. Talking about protecting your property, aluminium is hard to break into and with all of our windows coming with highly secure locking systems, with the option to upgrade, you know your home will be kept secure with our great aluminium windows. Aluminium also requires very little maintenance, with just a simple wipe over to keep it clean. Looking after your windows has never been so easy!

Aluminium windows look stunning too as you can design them in any RAL colour, ensuring your home looks great, both inside and out!

Our Products

Our aluminium windows are ideal for your Eastleigh, Hampshire home and we give you the option to design your own aluminium windows so they are perfect for your property.

Whether your property is a modern new build or a traditional home with lots of character we help to maintain the look of your home in Hampshire by providing an array of styles for you to choose from. You can select a clean cut, sleek modern finish or windows with a touch of Georgian flair. Our aluminium windows help to ensure your property looks great for years to come.

aluminium windows and doors in eastleigh hampshire

The colour of your aluminium windows is also important. We offer a variety of long lasting colours, which are applied using a powder coating for a high quality finish, a finish that is durable and that you do not have to paint again.

At Commercial & Domestic Aluminium we understand just how important security is to you, which is why we believe aluminium windows are the best product on the market to keep your home safe. It is highly robust and nearly impossible to break. We also install high security locking systems to make our windows even more secure. You can even upgrade. We care about looking after you and your home, which is why we believe aluminium is the best choice for highly secure windows in Eastleigh, Hampshire.

We also care about the environment and reducing our carbon footprint. Aluminium windows are energy efficient, helping to make your home eco friendly and reducing your energy bills. Aluminium windows help to save the planet and save your money.

Obtain A Quote

Environmentally Friendly Aluminium in HampshireYou have heard about all the great benefits aluminium offers you and why it truly is the best option for your home so let’s get started on your aluminium adventure! We take a personalized approach to every customer, putting you at the centre of everything we do. We work together with you from the initial quote to the installation to design the very best aluminium windows for your Eastleigh property. To obtain a quote phone us on 023 8033 4901 to speak with a member of our friendly team.