Aluminium Windows in Southampton

Are you looking for Aluminium windows in Southampton? Here at CDA, we pride ourselves on having over 25 years’ experience in the competitive Aluminium industry.

Thanks to our compatibility with our supply chain partners Smart and Comar we can offer you the very best Aluminium windows.

Aluminium windows will be the perfect addition to any home or commercial building across Southampton as they offer a sleek and stylish design as well as energy efficiency.

Aluminium Windows in Southampton

Aluminium Windows Design

Our aluminium windows are available in an array of colours to complement your durable, versatile and stylish choice of window.

Aluminium RAL ColoursThe RAL colour system ensures that there is the exact colour for you that will perfectly match your existing property.

A powder coating is applied to provide a quality finish to the framework. Your new aluminium windows are incredibly low maintenance as no painting or varnishing will never be required.

Each window is tailor-made to fit your specifications with a choice of glass options and colours.

Slim sightlines have been designed to blend effortlessly with your property allowing a larger area of glass for a brighter internal space, unrestricted by the framework.

Security and Efficiency

CDA’s aluminium windows are virtually indestructible. With their robust structure, they are much stronger than a standard UPVC window.

They contain highly secure locking systems – we offer both standard and upgraded.

Aluminium Windows in SouthamptonOur windows are extremely energy efficient and will noticeably reduce your carbon footprint making your property much more eco-friendly.

The aluminium windows have high energy performance, helping you personally contribute to a greener environment.

Quality Aluminium Windows in Southampton

As a leading supplier and installer in Hampshire and the UK, we can offer the most competitive prices for aluminium windows.

With such a vast product range of commercial and domestic Aluminium windows in Southampton,